Love. Relationship.Truth. Action. Empowering today's Students to be tomorrow's Kingdom Leaders.
At Harvest Church, we place high importance on the next generation and equipping them to live fully for Jesus. We realize this is an important time in the life of teens and pre-teens, so we strive to provide a place students can discover Jesus, go deeper in Christ, and grow in their relationship with Him. Our hope is to equip them with confidence when making the hard choices they will face in the world.
We provide several service opportunities each month where students get to hang out, play games, and have great teaching or discussion specifically targeted for them.

Service Times
- 9:00 am - Family service (all students attend the worship service in the sanctuary)
- 10:30 am - 6th-8th grade students have a service geared specifically for them in The Alley (except for 1st Sunday - it's a Family Service, meaning students attend the worship service in the sanctuary)
- 6:00 pm - 9th-12th grade students meet in The Rock for worship and a lesson

Harvest Middle School
Time: 6:45 - 8:15 pm
Ages: 6th-8th Grade
Place: The Alley

Harvest High School
The Harvest's High School Ministry exists to help our students GROW, LIVE, and SERVE. Our meetings on Wednesday nights are for small groups that coincide with our Connect Group study. This helps us stay in line with our overall church mission/vision and discipleship strategy.
Time: Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 pm
Ages: 9th-12th Grade
Place: The Rock

If you have further questions concerning our Harvest Youth services or visiting Harvest Church with students, email