This year at Harvest, we are adding 21 Days of Prayer to our summer schedule.
Why? Because prayer is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us for our daily lives. As you make prayer a priority in your spiritual journey, we believe you will experience more of God’s presence and growth in your relationship with God!

It’s our hope that your prayer life becomes more natural, effective, and enjoyable.
As we set aside time to seek God in prayer intentionally and believe for Him to move in powerful ways, we raise our spiritual focus and lower our secular focus. This shift in focus prepares our hearts for all the good things He desires to bring into our lives.
During these 21 days, Harvest will provide a one-hour prayer experience each morning, including worship, personal prayer time, and corporate prayer. Whether you join us in person or online, we would love for you to participate in 21 Days of Prayer.

How to Pray
Sometimes we get in our own way with complicated prayers. We begin to pray and give God specific instructions on how to solve our circumstances. But God doesn’t need your instruction. Instead, the Bible tells us to ask Him and then have faith to trust the process.
Here are a few easy bullet points to guide you when you are praying:
- Ask the Holy Spirit for help – He is your guide.
- Trust the process – it is part of your journey.
- Declare God’s Word over your circumstances.
- Have faith that He hears you, that His Word is powerful, and that it never changes. He will do what He says He will do!
- Anticipate and expect clarity, peace, courage, and- most importantly- breakthrough!
You cannot battle the plans of the enemy and pray powerful prayers if you do not know what God’s Word says. It is vital to know the Bible. Every single answer you need is in God’s Word. It provides you with all the instructions you need to walk through your circumstances in victory and joy.
Faith plays a key role in your breakthrough prayers. You must trust and believe what God says. Praying with expectancy is a way to activate your faith. Faith doesn’t go by feelings, and it doesn’t go by circumstances that are contrary to what God says. Stand on God’s word, and expect that He will move the mountain for you if you believe.

Want to dig deeper?
Here are two resources to help you learn more about prayer.