Go and Make Disciples of all Nations
"Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:16-20)
Below are the missionaries Harvest Church supports through your Faith Promise.

Making Disciples in ireland
Pastor Kyle is a pastor at a church plant in Bray, Ireland, and he trains other church leaders across Ireland.

Making Disciples through the World Mission Centre as International Mentors
Willie & Lydia founded the World Mission Centre. Their team works in 96 countries that stretch across five continents training national missionaries & church planters to share the gospel with the least reached people and refugees in their respective regions.

making disciples in East africa
Pastor Paul and Pamela train others to be missionaries and to take the gospel into tribal regions.

Making Disciples in Kenya
Pastor Christopher and Pamela are church planters who evangelize and feed the poor.

Making Disciples in Leperua, Kenya
Pastor Bonface and Dorcas plant churches and share the gospel through a children's ministry.

Making disciples across the globe
Pastor Antoine travels full-time internationally ministering in Bible schools, churches, and other venues to equip leaders and laity for their calling and ministry.

making Disciples in Trinidad and the Wider Caribbean
Pastor Derek and Deborah lead a Children’s Ministry that travels Trinidad and surrounding islands, offering leadership training for Sunday School & VBS.

Making Disciples in Nagpur, India
Pastor Vaibhav and Sujata work among Rag Pickers, sharing the gospel with farmers and tribals, as they plant churches, evangelize, and feed the poor.

Making Disciples in Mumbia, India and Beyond
Pastor Francis and Marleen are church planters who host a Bible School Leadership program and do ministry training for church workers.

Making Disciples in India
Pastor Ashish and Emily are church planters who train leaders, host kids and youth Bible camps, lead a tribal ministry, and feed the homeless.

Making Disciples in Bhutan
Pastor Hoshito and Helen are church planters evangelizing through feeding the needy and providing homes for the outcast.

Making Disciples in South India
Pastor John and Priscilla plant churches and host pastoral leadership trainings.

Making Disciples in Kenya
Pastor Billgreat and Vivian share the gospel through youth ministry and have a compassion ministry with orphans.

Making Disciples in Liberia
Pastor Benjamin and Decontee give pastoral and leadership training and run a children’s ministry.